Staff and Asset Protection
+ Maximizing Your Profits

Collect more insights from your store.
Discover – until now – invisible the patterns.

Increase the protection of your personnel and staff. While maximizing your profits.

Learn how X•Platform can help your organization.

Gather Valuable Security + Store Insights.

Receive Privacy-By-Design + Privacy Compliant, more valuable indoor and outdoor security and store insights.

With these insights you increase the staff’s safety and improve your asset protection.

While you are not limited to only these use cases for which the data insights are obtained.

X•Platform provides dashboard capabilities to enhance your physical store insights collection.

“Security Compensated by Marketing Insights”

All in One > Plug & Play Retail Technology

How it works: Invisible Attributes bound
to a Vehicle or other Object.

As example:   When an object enters the parking lot of your store, you receive real-time valuable – visible and invisible – attributes.

The moment the specific object enters the store, it is recognized and correlated automatically via the current and earlier obtained attributes.

Designed to increase the security and safety of your organization, and more..

  • Receive automatic proactive alerts when recognizing incidents and irregularities.

  • Reduce false alarms and increase the actual accuracy of the alarms.

  • Prevent information from being overlooked due to surveillance camera blind spots.

Designed to increase the security and safety of your organization, and more..

  • Receive automatic proactive alerts when recognizing incidents and irregularities.

  • Reduce false alarms and increase the actual accuracy of the alarms.

  • Prevent information from being overlooked due to surveillance camera blind spots.

X•Platform Retail allows you to collect valuable indoor and outdoor insights.

  • Recognize valuable patterns that were previously invisible to the human eye.

  • Increase the customer experience of your stores by linking (invisible) attributes.

  • Collect marketing insights in and around multiple sites, in real-time.

Security, Protection
+ Marketing Insights.

If a robbery or burglary is committed, you want recognize the perpetrator as fast as possible.

X•Protected by X•Platform provides has the ability to instantly recognize a perpetrator.

Even when the perpetrator is difficult or completely unrecognizable, such as when wearing a mask or hoodie.

There is more … X•Protected also has the capability to pre-emptively warn your security and asset protection team about arriving and incoming organized retail crime members.

Deciphering Invisible to Visible.

  • Receive factual real-time insights
  • Discover regular patterns of movement
  • Recognize the movements of suspects
  • Identify and classify devices and objects
  • Prediction of possible intrusions
  • Detecting and verifying intrusions
  • Measuring tool in case of calamities
  • Measuring and recognizing congestions

Valuable Business + Operation Insights.

Protect your Staff and Assets. While, in the same time you will receive valuable insights for your store business operations.

  • Discover percentage of return visits to your store.
  • Recognize the frequency of returning visitors.
  • Get correlation insights between different stores.
  • Which campaigns attract truly new visits.
  • Gain insight into how many objects drive by daily.
  • Identify the duration per day of a store visit.

Collect the above and more insights with
X•Protected by X•Platform.

Contact us and learn how RF (Radio Frequency) technology can help your retail organization gain valuable insights.

AI Comprehensive Retail Insights Dashboard

Try X•Protected by X•Platform yourself, today! Providing you with the world’s most comprehensive intelligent,  advanced AI-driven: Machine Learning + Adaptive Learning Sensor Insights Dashboard.

Access invisible patterns between stores. With the advanced and intelligent fully autonomous pattern recognition you see more than ever before.

RF (Radio Frequency) technology combined with License Plate Recognition. A unique combination that you can use to the maximum.