X•Protected by X•Platform offers you up-to-date physical sales and marketing intelligence for your brick-and-mortar stores.
As a retailer, shopping mall or restaurant you always want to maximize the brick-and-mortar shopper experience and in the meantime safeguard your staff as the assets. X•Protected by X•Platform provides you with actionable preventive security and customer experience insights.
Protecting your staff and assets – while maximizing your profits. X•Protected – Security Paid by Anonymous Marketing Insights.
Collect – GDPR / Privacy-Complaint – anonymous customer behavior. Enabling you to swiftly adapt to their preferences and requirements will ensure customer loyalty with higher sales performance.
X•Platform Dashboard and Sensor technology changes how you as a retailer or store owner converse with the consumers. It offers the insight to identify precisely when to engage and when not to. With X•Platform you are always aware what happens in your store.
The X•Platform Dashboard allows you to correlate data and patterns from all your retail stores, identifying and discovering insights that were invisible until today.
These data-driven insights are available and collected at each stage of the customer journey, – and learn how customers interact within the store. Entirely anonymously, and privacy compliant.
Deployable in your own retail stores, and sharing the technology with others for you valuable hotspots – such as sports stadiums, leisure activities, and other locations.
This allows make small data-driven changes that makes your store or restaurant easier to navigate for visitors, while your business is boosted by making the most of highly-trafficked areas or displaying exactly where your visitor is looking for.
With X•Warning you minimize blind spots due to afforestation, shrubs, plants, buildings, ditches and other matters that make intrusion overlooked.
Even when an unauthorized intruder enters the property completely invisible and unrecognizable, X•Warning offers the possibility to continuously track, locate and trace intruders.
Our comprehensive sensing platform is designed to help retailers protect their workforce, prevent shrink and fight the threat of retail crime.
X•Platform provides a unique and proven smart innovation that helps with loss prevention and improves operational efficiency.
Interested to learn more?
Contact Us Today for a Free Trial or Live Demonstration !
The sensor-systems are available as instant download within the X•Platform Dashboard.
Allowing you to install (new + existing) sensor without any technical knowledge.
Click & Install: select the software, the sensor type and your account ID.
Ready in just a few minutes per sensor.
X•Platform allows you to configure, update, personalize and monitor everything in one place.
With one user-friendly and intuitive AI-driven dashboard interface.
Connect any Sensor to our platform, or use our – freely and unlimitedly available – existing RF Sensors.
For platform compatibility and interoperability, contact us.